I have a dear client that had a chest that was made by her grandfather, so the sentimental value was high and the workmanship was excellent and the character was definately there. My client had a problem, she had this chest that she knew that she would always have yet she wanted to utilize it and show it off, but she couldn't really do that with how it had currently looked. I wished I had a before picture but basically the chest was what you would consider plain looking with just a stained wood finish. When she brought it to me my mind instantly started turning with the possibilities... it was a diamond in the ruff... I just had to figure out how to make it shine. Here was the finished product

And here is the After:

When you have a family heirloom or something that has sentimental value as these chests do, consider giving them a complete makeover to fit your style so that you will be proud to show it off. It is amazing what can be done to turn a piece into something completely new.
I hope you all like these chests because something very similar will be added to my line this year....just a little sumthin to look forward too... right?
K you are seriously freaking AMAZING!!! I can't even stand it. I seriously wish a had a million dollars to hand over to you to give everything I own a makeover!! Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!